Saturday, November 14, 2009


Have been reading my textbook religiously for the past week, paper is just 3 days away...

While going through the book, the topic of conflict caught my attention. Although, the book is talking more about conflicts between cultures, it seems that the concept of conflict is applicable to all relationships; even BGR...

Just felt like sharing, cause the moment I read it, a sense of de ja vu overwhelmed me..

'Conflicts is inevitable and there are several sources. It occurs when people misinterpret each other's behaviour (true)

Once conflicts start, they tend to perpetuate (continue indefinitely), especially if there are already problems (sounds familiar)

Conflicts always have implications for our relationships with others; when it is over, our relationship changes. However, we often do not recognise that management of conflict is critical to how they will affect our relationship

Conflicts get out of control, when we do not recognise that it actually serves many positive functions in our lives, like bringing people closer.

Conflicts with others help us to define our roles and understand our feelings of others.'

Gudykunst and Kim (2005) Communicating with Strangers: Intercultural Communication

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