Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sakuran Japanese Cultural Club Handover

Went to NYP yesterday for the AGM cum Handover of Sakuran Club. Actually I was feeling a bit tired as I just touched down from Melbourne in the early evening. However, seeing that the response from the alumni was poor, I decided to attend the event as a sole representative from my batch and the seniors before me.

Maybe many of you have the thinking that what is a grown man, who left school for nearly 8 years ago, bother with all this kind of gatherings where the participants are nearly 10 years younger than him. Is he after the sweet young things? Is he an insurance agent/property agent/multi-level marketeer?

Well let me just share how I feel when I was a student and when my seniors then, came back to attend the gatherings and participate in the activities

I felt very happy to see them return to school every now and then, to visit us, Ota sensei and share their words and wisdom with us. Back then, the alumni were very close to us. We would always go out after gatherings to have coffee, dinner or just jalan-jalan...

Maybe it's because our age difference was just 2 or 3 years and we share many interest and topics.

When some of the guys went into National Service and the girls went overseas to study, the attendance of the alumni dropped significantly. Not that anyone is to blame but that is part and parcel of life. However, no one stopped to think how would the juniors and Ota sensei feel, when suddenly the link between the alumni and club is weaken greatly.

For a large part of the gathering, I have noticed the gap between the club members and the alumni widen. Most of the time I always say it's Eiji's fault (my successor, 7th batch President), in jest, but deep within me, I know I have to bear some responsibility as well. I still blame myself for not doing a better job when I was president.

Until today, the club is going strong and there is more diversity in activities, I feel very happy for them and I admire them for managing it so well.

Anyway, when I got out of army, I told myself the only way to repay my debt to the club and also to redeem myself for not performing well, is to renew faith of the members and Ota sensei in the alumni and also to rebuild the bridge that has been eroded.

It's not easy and I know that I cannot succeed alone. However I will try my best and hopefully with my perseverance, the rest would be influence to take up the same path.

Alright, enough said. Coming up are photos of the event. Not very good photography skills but I hope to improve...hehe

Nowadays the AGM are very detailed and professional. Laptop, with powerpoint presentation and video projection. Slick!

They elaborate on the roles and duties of each post, including achievements and lessons learnt throughout their 'tour of duty'

Oh yeah by the way the 2 bouquets were part of Mrs Ota's creation. Marrying a Japanese tea ceremony and Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement)

does have its advantages! :-) The decoration gives the cold, hard room a soft touch, don't you think?

Managed to take a photo of the 13th batch ( they handed over to the 14th) committee. Make the 6th batch old man here feel so old...

From the left: President Shu Herng, VP activities Sharon, VP HR Dionne and VP Admin Sok Ying

Each appointment & appreciation certificate is signed on the spot by the President & Ota Sensei...professional leh. The certificates look so nice, unlike my time...Now Sakuran Club got more budget...they even arranged for door gifts and catered some refreshments...

Behold the 14th batch committee of SJCC (on the right of pics)


VP activities

VP Admin

The reason why 2 of them are handing over, is due to a restructure in which the VP admin also doubles up as secretary



Head of Origami

Head of JMD (Japanese Music & Dance)

Head of AAA (Anime Addicts Anyonmous)

Bye 13th batch! Great job and all the best!

Now the 13th batch is officially part of the alumni...

14th batch work hard! All the best & never give up!

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