Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dreams come true

Ten years ago, when I was still a pre-army polytechnic boy, completed with shoulder length hair and poor fashion sense, I had a dream.

The dream was to own a convertible before I was 30 years old.

I saw many old, balding men, trying to fulfill their childhood fantasy by driving sports cars, and I was put off by that image. I certainly do not want to drive 'topless' showing my balding pate and silver hair...

No doubt, they are successful and rich, and it is a requirement to owning a flashy ride. However, I told myself, I would strive to achieve the same in half the time.

That was 1999. I was naive and unexposed to the real world.

Earning a living was tough when I came out of army; it happened to be 2003, when the SARS virus was affecting Singapore and the world economy.

I was barely drawing enough for my meals. Furthermore, I did not even have a driver's licence!
I was disillusioned and kept this dream away.

As my lifestyle change and character changed, I left that dream behind. I was turning 29 and I thought that I would not be able to fulfill the dream.

One fine day, as I was chatting with my wife, I brought up the subject of dreams. It was then that I told her about the dream that I once had.

We were house-hunting and had our priorities on saving for a house. However, there are plenty of obstacles in our hunt, and both of us were frustrated from it.

She was driving her Dad's old Nissan Sunny, which was due to be scrapped next year. I had previously 'scolded' her for looking to buy cars.

After a frustrating house hunt, we both decided that we should get a car, like some sort of consolation...

Then she brought up my dream; to own a convertible. I told her that it was quite impossible.

She done her maths and was researching online. She told me her calculations. It is achievable.

I was touched. I knew it is an indulgence to many people, and many more would disapproved.

To have my own wife support me in this, was unbelievable. I knew that she loved me more than anyone in my life has loved me before.

She proposed that we buy a pre-owned car and sell it off in 2 years, when we will be changing careers.

Off we went, weeks of viewing and searching for the right model. We ended up on 2 choices. A Toyota MRS convertible and a Subaru Forrester.

I like the Subaru too, as I am an SUV fan. It was a tough decision and my wife allowed me to choose on my own.

In the end, I opt for the convertible, as I want to fulfill my long-time dream. Owning an SUV, or a normal saloon can be done later in life. The time for the convertible is now.

Yes, it is impractical; no boot space, no extra passenger space and high maintenance. Despite these flaws, the desire to fulfill my dream overtook me.

Don't get me wrong. I am still the practical and prudent Donald. I still cringe at 1000 dollars Louis Vuittons...

But let me ask you, how do you determine the cost of your dream?


On another note, my wife has fallen out with her mum, while bringing me happiness.

Her mother thinks that we are impractical and have no priority.

I am sad when I see my wife gloomy and all. Although she never said a word, I feel responsible.

My dream came through, but at this cost? In the process of making one person happy, two persons feel unhappy.



red1902 said...

ah yah, don't worry about it lah. my mother will get round. think she already did. i'm sick what... of course never say a word.... how to say? voiceless leh...

Adam said...

As your batchboy, I am glad you have realised your dreams.

Just remember to save as hard.


Anonymous said...

Just remember to work within ur limits and dun be in debt..