Friday, November 6, 2009

anger management

Just came back from Melbourne, my first couple flight with my wife.

The flight was a litmus test on the days to come for the rest of our flying career; whether would we get along when we fly together.

However, already few hours into the flight, all my worries came true.

My anger reared its ugly head, and I began feeling frustrated. It's not the first time.

I don't know why I can't control my outburst, and I get agitated easily, when I work with people close to me.

Helena is the not the only one. I frequently scream at my family members as well.

All my ex-girlfriends had been victim of my temper.

My buddy got 'zap' by me during our SNY...

Football people also got f**ked by me

Haiz...just when I thought my temper has subsided as I got older, now I screamed at wife.

I am at a loss...guess I need constant reminder of my temper. Im like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Baby if you are reading this, please forgive me!

Forgive this foolish man for his repeated mistakes.

I beg your patience with me for our journey together...through life.

For friends who are reading this, if I stepped on your toes before, please overlook my carelessness. Sometimes my apology comes much later....

Guess this flawed human still needs a lot of work.

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