Friday, October 30, 2009

Random Political Thoughts

My toilet is the place where I brainstorm. It is the place where I put my thinking cap on, and ponder over the universe.

There are one thousand and one things, that comes to my mind while I am squatting there.

Not to be crude and or disgusting, but it is the truth. I come up with brilliant ideas that could be life-changing, but as soon as I pull the flush, reality sets in and wonderful ideas get sucked into the sewage.

Here is one idea, that I would like to share before I go and do my assignment.

Back in camp, my new RSM (regimental sergeant major) scolded us and told us what he thinks. He said, 'There are no bad soldiers, just bad commanders!' Then he followed up with a warning that we would be responsible for the discipline and wayward behaviours of our men.

Of course, all of us scoffed at his speech. 'We reservist leh! Siao ah!'

Then today, while thinking about our government actions, I recalled the Mas Selamat incident.

Yes, the authorities could not contain a limping, fat terrorist, and allowed him to escape. A manhunt of over a year, before he was 'found' in Malaysia. ('found' because I am still skeptical of it)

Then the Internal Security Department head apologised for the incident, and was subsequently praised! He kept his job. Many people also called for Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng's head, but he is still comfortably sitting in his seat.

Hey, this is the equivalent of US capturing Osama Bin Laden, and allowing him to escape!

Anyway, that is beside the point. Suddenly, I visualised my RSM saying to Wong: "There are no bad guards, only bad ministers!"

Bam! I realised what my RSM said held truth. How can I be so short-sighted? I apologise for that.

Maybe the SAF runs differently from the Ministry of Home Affairs?

I was just about to formulate some response to that, but by the time I came out from the toilet, all these ideas went into the bowl...

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