Thursday, October 8, 2009

Movies Top Ten

Recently I managed to take up a film studies module in school. I was pretty excited about it as I always like to write reviews and also had waited a year to take this module
A few months into it, I regretted my decision.

Instead of just the normal critique you see in newspapers and magazines, the film module is full of technical terms, art style and directions.

I took many weeks to finish a report, and my head feels like exploding...I never expected it to be so intense and tedious...

Anyway, during the course of study, I realised that there are tons of movies that I never got a chance to watch.

I do hope to watch them one day, without having to do a report....ha...

Top Ten Movie Wishlist

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Scarface
3. Raging Bull
4. Schindler's List
5. Seven Samurai
6. Forrest Gump (never completed watching)
7. Philadelphia
8. Malcolm X
9. Natural Born Killers
10. Apocalypse Now

Of course there are plenty others which I had seen, and I fully recommend you to catch it if you haven't done so.

Top Ten Watched List

1.Citizen Kane
2.Godfather 1-3
3.Taxi Driver
4. Chungking Express
5. Brokeback Mountain
6. Vantage Point
7. LOTR trilogy
8. Amelie
9. Kill Bill
10. Star Wars IV-VI


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