Monday, October 12, 2009


You know what is great when you get older?

You get more experienced, due to all the trial and errors of life. You also remember alot of things from the past, learn from your mistakes and benefit from others' mistakes.

'Youth is wasted on the young' - I don't know who said it, but after a few years, I finally understand how true is that phrase.

I never seem to make good decisions in life, especially when I was younger. Money, investment, choice of jobs, etc. One bad move and it leaves a dent in your life.

Now that I am older, I review alot of my decisions from before. When Homer Simpson realises he made a mistake, he would slap his forehead and shout, 'Douph!'...I totally feel the same that over many of my choices.

There was this Mercedes C class commercial on TV a while back. It depicts the way life they think should be. Life, according to them, should start when one is old, established and successful. As time goes by, you enjoy and get younger at the same time. Until when you reached your mid-thirties, successful, energetic, rich and a yuppie...then you buy a Mercedes C class.

Although this is just an ad to make you buy an outrageous and expensive car, it does play on the phrase, 'Youth is wasted on the young'.

I don't know about you, but when I get older, I feel empowered and I thirst for knowledge still. I feel that I can keep my focus better. Although sometimes I still make 'Douph' decisions, old age allows me to minimise that.

So who wants to be forever young?

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