Thursday, July 30, 2009

The New 5 Cs

It has been more than a decade since the term '5 Cs' had been coined. in fact, I believe it is nearly 20 years.

'Cash, Condo, Credit Card, Country Club and Car - The Singaporean Dream.' We all grew up with it as the standard.

However, upon reviewing it, I think Singaporeans need a new standard, as the country progresses.

'Why?' One may ask. Look at it this way. Many items of the 5 Cs have become easily attainable and it would not be a challenge anymore.

Condo? Everyone is buying one now.

Card? Even a 21 year old can get one.

Car? There has been such an influx of new cars on the road, that there are jams everywhere and everytime.

Thus, let me unveil the new Singapore Dream; the 5 Fs.

Fluidity, Flexibility, Foresight, Freedom and Faith.

Fluidity - in assets and cash. Singaporeans should aim to be fluid and debt-free. It's not easy, and that is why it is part of a dream.

Flexibility - in working and expectations for work. Must be flexible enough to be able to withstand the shit thrown by your customers, superiors and colleagues. The 'can-do' attitude needs to be cultivated, in order to fend off foreign talent competitors.

Foresight - We cannot depend on the Government to have the foresight. Sometimes, through research and studies of trend, one can have better foresight and make sound investments. Do not follow the crowd and you may be duly rewarded. Not only you are able to make your money work, you will also be in a better position to make decisions at home, at work and in your community. Maybe someday that old X men comic will make you a millionaire. Take the road less travelled.

Freedom - Singaporeans can never have enough freedom. In speech, in their actions, in their dreams. Sometimes there is a glass ceiling put in place by others; but most of the time, the ceiling is placed by oneself. Yes, there are many rules and regulations laid by the Government and their entities; all these take a long time to be changed. However, freedom in the way Singaporeans think; perceptions and stereotypes, can be changed quickly by oneself. Free the way you think, and you will think out of the box.

Last but not least, Faith - It is not only the search for spiritual faith; faith extends to a wider area. Faith in fellow Singaporeans, that they will be civic-minded, gracious and courteous. Faith that Singaporeans will evolved and no longer be called 'Ugly Singaporeans'. Faith that the people will change society with their movement and involvement, bottom-up and not top-down.

Faith that one day, all of us can achieve our own 5 Fs and exclaimed at our deathbeds, 'Yes, I have lived the Singapore Dream!'

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