Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cognitive Dissonance and a migraine that won't go away

This is what happens to people with conflicting thoughts at the same time.

Explanation retrieved from

'This is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.

Dissonance increases with:

  • The importance of the subject to us.
  • How strongly the dissonant thoughts conflict.
  • Our inability to rationalize and explain away the conflict.

Dissonance is often strong when we believe something about ourselves and then do something against that belief. If I believe I am good but do something bad, then the discomfort I feel as a result is cognitive dissonance.'

Yup, it happened to me lately. I bought a lot of expensive things and they conflict with my principle of being prudent.

Thus, in order to 'release' the tension before I go crazy, I tried to justify my actions, to be in line with my principle.

Things I bought and the 'justification' that I came up:

1) Tumi Bag costing $450 SGD (Shudder) - My trolley bag is spoilt already, and it is good to invest in a good brand, so that next time I won't need to buy another bag....

2) Phiten Titanium Bracelet costing $468 SGD (Double-shudder) - I need it to increase my metabolism, blood circulation and reduce my backache.

Ok la, some of you may think it's all excuses... but people who are close to me knows I hardly spend big amounts.

Anyway, there are lots more expenditure coming up, and sometimes I shudder when I look at the bills.

But I guess certain amounts must be spent.

Now my biggest headache is buying a house. At a time when Singapore's property prices are over-inflated, it is easy to fall into a money-trap.

It is penalising young people starting a family; it is unfair.

Buying a property is not only about money, but there are so many rules and regulations, that it makes me sick.

That is why so many Singaporeans, like me, look forward to winning the grand prize in the lottery.

Things has become so expensive that it is like a big bubble, waiting to burst. Somehow I feel that we are in a very precarious situation.

Downturn in world economy, high percentage of unemployment, terrorism, slow consumer spending. 'Inflated property market' just doesn't seem to fit in with the rest.

I just had a few meals in various restaurant in Japan. I did a comparison with the prices of dining out in Singapore.

Surprise, surprise, guess who came out top?

Little old Singapore, where dining out for 2 costs at least 20 dollars more compared to dining in downtown Tokyo.
Same type of food (pasta), but shitty service (sin) compared to excellent service minus the language barrier (Japan).

It is nauseating. Consider that the average salary men in Tokyo earns more than our Singaporeans.

High prices has crept up on us from behind and revealed it ugly head. Now, the prices of our basket of daily items has gone up significantly, isn't it time for our measly pay to go up as well?

Try as I might, I am unable use the cognitive dissonance theory and justify all these.

I really hope election comes soon.

Meanwhile, I wait, and wait. Indulging in my lottery dreams.

1 comment:

red1902 said...

oei... not fair. your bracelet was SUBSIDISED! by yours truly hor.... so you didn't use so much money lah... but as for the TUMI... it was pure vanity. samsonite would have been just the same for $150 (or less) ahahahah SCOLDING YOU ah!