Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Out of action

Just came back from the doctor, been wanting to address a niggling leg problem that has been recurring for the last 2 weeks.

Seems that I feel a sharp pain whenever I squat or lift my left leg up.

It came to a point where I was unable to walk properly in Shanghai last week. I was limping and could not get up from the toilet bowl, unsupported.

Went to Fudan University Hospital and took an x-ray, being wheeled here and there in a wheelchair. Doctor did not find anything broken or cracked, so he prescribed me some painkillers. Kinda SOP...

I do not really know what is the cause myself...so I have to take it easy and skip running, football and swimming for a while. Damn...

Well, fortunately (or unfortunately), my exams are round the corner, so it will do me good to stay at home and not run around.

Can't wait to get rid of my fats...haha

There is always a constant dilemma of wanting to downgrade and be a 'lobo' soldier, versus my desire to keep running and play football. If my injuries were serious enough for me to downgrade my pes level, probably I will never be able to run and kick a ball again.

Sounds crazy, but I would rather maintain my ability to do sports, anytime.

Since I am 'excused' from lower limb exercises, I think I will work on my neglected upperbody...till my leg no longer feels the acute pain.

Until then.

P.S. To those mugging for exams (like me), good luck!

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