Saturday, April 18, 2009

it's been a while

I am writing this, while been stranded at Ho Chi Minh Airport. Long story...will talk about that later....

I cannot remember when was my last entry.

I have been busy studying, dating, working and lazing around.

In less than a month, I would have to take 3 papers for my exams.

Life's a bit hectic, but so far it has been good.

Keeping my brain active with challenging assignments, haha...learning is good

I just hope that after my papers I can continue with some hobby that I missed.

1) Running - Apparently I have not started training for the 21KM, in fact, I run lesser now. Getting fat too....

2) Rockclimbing - Can't remember when was my last climb. But I hope to participate in more climbs this holiday (as it is drier season)

3) Reading - For leisure of course. I have even finished reading the books that I bought.

Also have not met with Sakuran people for a few months liao. That's another thing that I hope to achieve in June.

For now, I have to bury myself in my textbooks, practice my writing and keep my fingers crossed that I would do well in my exams.

After doing a module in psychology, I learned a bit more about myself and life, . I also think getting old plays a part in understanding oneself - maturity

Being with someone more mature also helps...:-)

I hope that everyone will stay healthy and enjoy life. Just like me :-)

(I think my writing kinda taken a turn for the worse, guess too much academic writing spoils it)

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