Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Have you ever had dreams and wakes up the next day feeling tired?

I have been a 'victim' of this for a while now and I cannot comprehend it. When I was in the army, every night I 'blackout' while listening to my MD player. (yes it was that long ago)

By the 2nd track, I would have fallen asleep. Though I woke up the next day, refreshed, there is a feeling that it was just a short moment ago that I went to sleep. In actual fact, I slept for a good 7 hours without realising it.

Everyday would be the same, deep sleep with no dreams.

Nowadays, it's almost impossible for me to get to that stage. No matter how tired I am, dreams always besiege my sleep. My mind would keep churning out fiction amidst fact.

My overenthusiastic mind does needless overtime every day, with me feeling worn out the following day. I really dread it.

Furthermore, I am unable to sleep for long even if I am very tired. After an all-nighter, I can hardly get 5-6 hours at one shot. Being a light sleeper also does not help.

I envy those 'sleeping beauties' friends of mine, who can sleep for 10-12 hours anytime.

Recently, I told someone about not having a good sleep due to dreams. He told me that when one has dreams, it is when they are in a deep slumber.

Surprised by his comment, I told him my definition of a good, deep sleep.

While he has no answer to that, I realised something; A deep sleep does not amount to a good sleep.

I want to find a way to 'blackout' again. I want my 'real' good sleep

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