Saturday, December 13, 2008


It's already December and 2008 is coming to an end.

It has been an eventful year, both for me and the rest of the world. However, that is not the purpose for this entry.

What I want to talk about is the goals that I had set earlier in the year.

If anyone remembers, or cared to remember, I had made 3 resolutions at the start of the year. Let me list them again for the benefit of everyone.

1) Be cash-rich, by having 10K in the bank
2) Embark on a journey of learning by enrolling in a part-time degree program
3) Participate and complete a half-marathon in Singapore

I am pleased to say that both objective 1 & 2 are achieved. However, objective 3 fell short. 2 out of 3 completed still does not sound that bad.

January is just round the corner. Pretty soon, I would join in with the millions that would make their New Year's resolutions.

Since objective 3 was not completed, I would add it to my list for 2009. Hopefully by the end of 09, I can proudly say that I have completed all my resolutions.

What about you?

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