Tuesday, July 1, 2008

time to think

As the day draws closer to bonus day, I keep hearing my fellow colleagues with intentions of leaving the company.

It was the same last year, where there was an exodus after a huge payout.

In the months after the company made an announcement about it, I hear many people with their plans of leaving. All you have to do is just ask them this simple question, 'So are you leaving after bonus?' From then on, they will guide you through their plans for the future...

I had been asked many times before, but my own plan is taking up part-time studies.

However, it's that time of the year that you don't feel like slogging and just want to take a break from work, or even a change of environment.

My mind loves to wander and for discussion's sake, let me share with you what are the alternatives that I could possibly see myself in.

If I were to start my studies, I would need regular hours and also to be always around Singapore.

Thus, there are 2 or 3 perfect alternatives to this:

1) I would love to go back as a full-time staff at NUS, office of research, as a full-time staff. Firstly, NUS is very near to UniSim, I can easily get there after work for my classes. Secondly, everyone knocks off after 6, 5-day work week and hardly any overtime is required, so the stress level is low. Easy access to the computer and MSN, printers, copiers, email, the works. Perfect environment for studies.

2) I wouldn't mind going back to my 1st employer, SPH, as a customer service assistant. I loved the environment there. I wouldn't have left it in the first place, if not for the low pay and zero career prospects.
It reminded me very much of the Shire, home of the Hobbits in LOTR. Everyone is so friendly, caring and warm. Like a big family. You can have many meals or snacks in a workday, because the canteen is so accessible. We celebrate everyone's birthday, with cakes and presents. We cover each other's work. although it is 5 1/2 day work, it is again low stress level. Everyone knocks off at about 6pm or so. There is also a direct bus to bring me to my campus. I get home from work in 15mins. Hell, I can even jog home if I want to.

3) I love coffee, and I have been drinking coffee at cafes for donkey years now. I am always fascinated with the level of service and commitment at Starbucks. Compared to the other coffee companies in Singapore, Starbucks' service is light years away from the rest of the competition.

Actually before joining my present company, I had contemplated about joining as a barista. A barista is a magician with coffee, creating perfect concoctions to cheer people up and brightening their gloomy morning. Working as a part-time barista would go well with my studies, at the same time, doing what I love.

4) Of course there is the slight chance that I may win the million-dollar lottery... Then I will just drive to school and hangout at Starbucks, while meeting ex-colleagues from my previous workplace....:-)

Don't you agree that an imaginative mind is a wonderful thing to have?

What's your 'after-bonus' plans?


Gerard said...

I'm saving my bonus so I
can look forward to "retire" for 6 months...that's before finding a new job. Studies not for me. I HATE IT!

Don said...

well said bro...
To each his own...