Thursday, August 2, 2007

Shock of a lifetime

Remember when I posted about a friend's situation a few months back, when he lost his memory? Something similar happened to me a few days back, though it was a flash, it really shocked me.

I was flying to back to Singapore from HK after a nitestop over. In the midst of working, I was offered a cup of 7up by one of my colleague. As I have not had a drink for an hour or so, I gladly received the offer with thanks. I gulped down my drink and continued to work.

However, just seconds after I downed the drink, I felt a sharp pain just below my sternum. Usually it happens where I eat too fast, but it would go away as fast as it occurred. This time, the pain was prolonged and it left me struggling. I pressed the part that was in pain but I could do nothing. My vision started to dim and I was blacking out. I was trying to grab hold of something, then....

The next thing I know, I saw this face in front of me. I was thinking, why is he waking me up? It took me a while to realise it was my superior! I shook my head and realised that I was not sleeping in my bed but on the galley floor! It shocked me, as I don't remember that I was working.

My supervisor and colleagues gathered around me, all with a look of concern. I had no idea what had happened. They told me to sit down and refrain from standing. It was then that they told me that I had fainted and hit my head on the edge of a compartment. They were taken aback as it happened too sudden.

I was in disbelief when they used ice and press it against my head, apparently I had a bump on my head which I had no knowledge of. It didn't even feel pain until they pressed against it. The only pain was felt in my gastric area, just below my sternum.

While I was on the seat (I was told to rest and not work for the duration of the flight), I was coming to terms and trying to deduce what had happened. I had sufficient rest, and something to eat before the flight, so there was no way that fatigue or lack of food became possible reasons.

My only recollection was the drink and the pain that followed. It was surprising as this was the first time it had happened to me. The fact that this happened when I am in a good state of health worries me even more. It reminded me of news reports of healthy people who suddenly collapse and die without rhyme or reason.

One of my colleague reiterated that I did not fall flat but instead took a delayed fall, maybe due to my hands trying to grab hold of something. Another one told me that when I was unconscious, my hands and legs shook like I was having fits. This observation worried me more.

For the rest of the flight, I took it easy and slowed down while eating and drinking. The bump seemed to be a small abrasion and blood had clotted. When the plane reached Singapore, I went to the clinic and had a GP assess my condition. My blood pressure, pupil reaction, temperature, heart beat, stomach were examined. I even went through an ECG. Fortunately, all the results did not showed any negative symptoms. However, I was scheduled to go to the hospital for a scope examination on the following week.

Until today, I am still having the pain in my gastric regions. It would be more prominent when I consume food or drinks. After this I am more cautious about my body and would slow down in my eating habits.

This incident proves that no one is invincible and that people can fall any day, regardless of your health conditions. You can run the fastest, jump the highest, but you cannot escape from Fate...

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