Saturday, January 23, 2010


Whoa I have not blogged since last yr...lazy me...

2010 just slipped in quietly...bye 2009

This year is going to be a busy one for me. I took up 5 modules instead of the usual 4, in order to complete my degree sooner. Looks like plenty of work for me.

Concurrently, I will also be house-hunting and hope to move into my own place before my birthday...but it looks like before Xmas would be a better bet!

I will also try to juggle my finances and expenses, with the 2 cars...

Finally, I will also need to keep my wife happy, with every minute that I have.

Phew!!! With so many things to keep me occupied, I won't be surprised if 2011 come rushing in...

Have a fruitful year ahead!


red1902 said...

so how are you going to keep your wife happy?

red1902 said...

so how are you going to keep your wife happy?