Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Musings and Recommendations

I would like to thank everyone for reading my blog, especially those who have been following it since my Friendster days.

No this is not my last posting and I am definitely not going to close my blog down.

Just wanted to say 'Thanks', because I am always pleasantly surprised when people suddenly start talking to me, in person, about my posting.

For the longest time, my postings are mostly bitchin/complaints/cynical and mainly the events surround me.

I had a talk with my wife the other day, and she did advise me that if I wanted to write as a career, I better stop writing about myself. She told me that I needed a portfolio or something, to impress any future employers. She also told me to be more focus and go all out to achieve my goal, once I have it in sight.

Actually, I have been thinking about it for a while now. Nobody would probably be interested in reading about me (beside my friends), unless I am a celebrity.

At times, I feel that my writings are immature and shallow. Compared to my friend's blog ( which is really good), I wonder when will my writing reach maturity.

Maybe I really should write less about myself, and more about general stuff, stuff that people are interested in, stuff that readers will follow. I should also take a 3rd person perspective, and use less emotion in my writing. (my ex-gf saw my appeal letter for a traffic fine recently, and told me it was full of anger)

2010, 30 years old. I should really be digging in my boots....

Meanwhile, since I am in the mood, I should also mention about this talented lady, stickgirl (xiaofen).

She was my ex-gf's batchgirl, during their trainee days in the airline, but personally I didn't know her.

I only heard more about her, when my wife, who also knew her after they did a flight together, told me more about her talents.

She draws and she writes about her views on life and things happening around her. Recently she published a book of her drawings and thoughts. I thought that was pretty neat. Go check it out

I wonder when will I be able to do that? Will I be motivated to go all the way?

I can't really answer that now, but I am hoping I would be able to soon...


red1902 said...

I don't think its writing about yourself that's a problem. When I read your recommendations and the others that come along with it, they have the same focus as you do. Telling others what you think.
So its not really about general things or being a third party on issues etc.

I think, your writing is too harsh, many times the way that you are. Not forgiving and quite narrow at times. But that's who you are and how you think. I think you might want to shift your idea to the fact is, how to tell others how you think (what you think) in a more palatable way. In addition, your menu should include more variety, other than just complaints about the government (Which everybody is well aware and frustrated with). Although I say this, you should NOT stop writing about your experiences and frustration with the government.

YOu have a wide repertoire of knowledge. Be it music, food, japanese culture, observations of the human kind. You have the privilege to travel. Use your own unique view point, your personality to paint a picture for your readers. A writer is an artist who paints pictures that evokes feelings with words. whether is it happiness, surprises, sadness, and disappointment.

Just my 2 cents worth.

red1902 said...

just an afterthought, i've always enjoyed reading your blog. its very earnest and emotional.
SOme people use humour , some people use a serious tone of voice.

:) i write furiously when I'm upset... ahahah :) give yourself a couple of years and keep writing. that's the only way your writing will improve.

I'm speaking from experience.