Please someone, tell me what to do? Since December last year, I brought her to the doctor's for 4 times already. I spent more than $1,000 already, medical bills are burning a hole in my pocket.
Someone told me to go Malaysia, the doctors there are more affordable. I have been thinking about it, but I just cannot spare the time to travel over. It is so frustrating and sad.
Today, she just came out of the clinic, I had to ask a friend to fetch her. My friend said that the doctor had advise that she may need an operation soon. Oh no! Where am I going to find the money?
Poor child, you suffered so much and now you are going to suffer even more. I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain....
Send her away you say? She's barely two, how can she fend for herself? How can I when she look like this....

yes... it's my car...what did you think I was talking about?
It's been suffering from a case of bad parts, poor engineering and quality control. I am afraid, it's hereditary, symptoms gotten from its predecessors.
Even though it is still 2 years old, there have been tons of problem, even an older car would be shock to hear it. It also performs like an old car. Poor pick up, underpowered engine and heavy body makes it feel like an old man.
I am also driving a 3 year plus Toyota MR2 Spyder, but it gives me lesser problems.
I go to Motorimage, only to receive sky-high prices and bad service.
The bills not only come from parts and servicing lubricants, but also from high fuel costs. This car is always thirsty, if it drank blood, probably I need to rob a blood bank or two.
You see, I really have no choice but to sell it off, even if it means losing a big sum of money. Because if I keep it, a larger sum of money slowly drains away from my pocket.
Before I send it to the agent, let me hear some offers, or forever hold your peace....
you say until like this... where got people offer you anything! AH DUIH!
U bought a Subaru to show off. You're probably the type who drives at 120 and high beams cars travelling at 90. And u expect it to save u fuel and last forever?!!
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