Saturday, May 16, 2009

All the money in the world

As the day of the 8 million lottery grand draws closer, I go into my usual day-dream mode.

Thinking about the lottery makes me too excited to sleep, always. Therefore, here I am, blogging about nothing in the wee hours of the morning.

A little day-dreaming does not kill anyone; as long as they do not take over your life.

I love to dream about winning the lottery. 1, 3, 8 or 10 million; it does not matter.

Dream about the things I can buy and do, the problems I can solve, and the people that I can please.

Who doesn't?

However, for once I thought about something different.

What about the things that I can never do, even if I had all the millions in the world?

That set me thinking. In a world where money talks, it is a situation that is hard to imagine.

Here goes:

1) You can buy time, but not lost time.

No one can build a time machine and go back into the past. There is no way to go back in time, undo the wrongs that you did, apologise to the ones you hurt.

There is no way to go back to school, and tell yourself then to study hard. There is no way to resolve past misunderstandings.

You cannot tell the girl waiting at the bus stop everyday, that you liked to be her friend.

You cannot tell the school bully that he is just an insecure piece of shit.

You cannot tell your girlfriend, that you really love her, but break up was just because you are an immature jerk.

2) I cannot experience the warmth of a complete, happy family.

For people coming from broken families, like me. The thing that is most elusive to us, would be the warmth of a happy family.

I never knew how living in a complete family, with a father, mother and brother, happily together feels like. I think I never will, even if I had millions.

I would never know, if I would have turn out to be a different person, with a normal childhood.

No amount of money can make one go through this all over again

3) There is no second life

I am not talking about the virtual game.

Even if you had all the money in the world, I cannot live forever. I cannot use my 'tokens' to buy an extra life.

Be it a rich man, or a pauper, I would still face death. Deprived of my possessions, my clothes, my family, friends and love ones. I face death alone, just as I came to the world on my own.

There is no way, one can revive themselves after their last breath. It is impossible to wake up, with the knowledge that you just died five minutes ago, and walk through the same door that brought you in, lying in your coffin.

4) Men still cannot fly without machinery

That is why I still have a job.

5) You can try, but you cannot buy good health nor youth

I cannot return my grandmother's good health back to her, no matter how much I pay. (although I can pay for organs now)

Nor can I give her back her looks and beauty.

No insurance can promise invulnerability. Although I wished there was one, so that my auntie does not need to suffer for her cancer, and my grandma will not writhe in pain every night, from her dialysis, high blood and renal problems.

I will have perfect skin, not the rough, pigmented hide that covers me now.

I will constantly be full of energy, stamina and endurance, just like when I was 18.

6) There is no gadget that I can use to see through a person's mind

I wish I can tell who is friend or foe, in a instant

I cannot see through a person's heart, whether they harbour good or ill-intentions.

Whether they will be true friends or long-standing enemies.

Whether they will betrayed or be betrayed.

I wish I can show old uncles, that the nimble, young thing waiting for them outside the bank, does not admire their looks nor character.

I wish that I can advise my female friends which guy to trust and which not to.

I wish I can tell my brothers, that the car salesman is trying to push his old stock to them.

I wish that I can tell which girl will follow me to the ends of the world, through the depths of time, willingly and sincerely.

..........If only money can do all these

Life would not be worth living, would it?

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