Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Year, New Resolution(s)

Someone commented that this blog was a good read, amidst all the grammatical and spelling errors...

2009 is here and what a start.

There was never a time when, the festive season felt so gloomy, even with both New Year's day falling on the same month.

However gloomy life may seem, I think we all need to have resolutions to fire up the spirit inside.

Since I only manage to clear 2 out of 3, I will have to carry on to this year the remaining one.


1) To run a half marathon, after a 3 year absence
2) To own my own apartment...or move out
3) Not to overeat....

This year's resolution seems a bit chances of completion are not high, but what the heck...I will try my best la


1 comment:

red1902 said...

1. run marathon ah.... that one can train leh.

2. own your apartment? today got 10 million draw. pray hard.

3. cook chinese dishes? easy leh. i teach u. ahahah.

oh well, your new year very gloomy meh? i tot u spent time with friends... should be happy what. your friends read this, then very disappointing leh. say they all gloomy. hmmm.... cheer up lah, otherwise lady luck/lady love won't smile anymore lor.