Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy New Year!

I haven't made any posts since last year (hehe...) so here's wishing a very belated Happy New YEar to everyone!

Im still early for Chinese New Year, but what the heck! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Have a Prosperous and healthy Chinese New Year!

New year always comes with new resolutions. Which usually would be abandon within a month...
However, if u make the resolution into a short-term goal, I think it would be more effective and many of us will make the effort to uphold and achieve it.

Choose wisely what you want to achieve and do not have too many goals at one time.

I suggest a shortlist; which I am going to make now.

Something achievable within a year span would qualify for a short-term goal.

Here goes...

1) I wanna save 10K in addition to my bank account (realise that saving money is too generic, putting a figure would really help focus)

2) I wanna enroll in a degree course of my choice and start this year

3) I wanna stay fit and healthy ( not specific enough) I want to train for 21km run and do it again this year (better)

Just 3 to start. Achievable, simple and realistic goals.

Come Jan 2009, I hope that I would have been able to achieve the above and review it on this blog.

What about u?


Gerard said...

I'm still deciding which marathon to join. Check this forum out..

Gerard said...

I might be going for the vertical marathon